Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with respected national security expert Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. POLITICS How veterans are faring in the 2022 midterm election. Military Times is tracking all races involving vets — on Election Night and in weeks to come. How the midterms could impact the Russia-Ukraine war. The midterm elections, which are…

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ANALYSIS – Apparently, now to flailing Democrats, everything is a ‘threat to democracy.’ So much so that Chris Krebs, the discredited former head of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is joining the liberal chorus. He simply replaced the term ‘threat’ with ‘risk.’ ‘Threat to democracy’ is the Democrats’ 2022 version of ‘Russia collusion.’ Recall that Krebs was fired by then-President Trump in 2020 after Krebs, without any way to confirm, stated that the 2020 election was the “most secure” ever. CISA is part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and is tasked with “strengthening cybersecurity and infrastructure protection across all levels of government.”…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with respected national security expert Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. POLITICS Wisconsin judge won’t order sequestering of absentee military ballots. A Wisconsin judge has refused to order that military absentee ballots be pulled aside and sequestered until it can be verified that they were cast legally, saying that would be…

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ANALYSIS – We are just hours away from a major electoral shift with the Republicans expected to retake the House and possibly the Senate, too. That will put a hard brake on Joe Biden and the left’s radical agenda and make Biden more of a lame duck than he already is. It may even put an impeachment target on his back. So, what can we expect from a GOP-led Congress in January? According to current Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the top priority of a Republican-led House would be addressing the horrible migrant crisis at the southern border. (RELATED: Critical Voter Bloc…

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ANALYSIS – Can we say dangerous left-wing intelligence hack? With Joe Biden and the Democrats demonizing conservatives, partisan, out-of-work former intelligence officers, without much of a ‘war on terror’ to fight anymore, and looking for new work, are now targeting Americans as their new terrorist bogeyman. And following the bizarre ‘underwear hammer attack’ on Nancy Pelosi’s husband in San Francisco, the Democrats are on a tear blaming Republicans for violence. (RELATED: San Fransisco Police Provide Update on Paul Pelosi Attack) This despite the fact that the Pelosi attacker was a crazy, life-long pot-smoking hippie, left-wing nudist and illegal alien from…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. POLITICS Here’s how a GOP win in November might affect 2023 defense policy. Bigger defense budgets, heavier scrutiny of military aid to Ukraine and a tougher line on China are all on the horizon should Republicans take control of the House or Senate after…

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ANALYSIS – The establishment media and liberal elites in the U.S. and Europe regularly condemn Hungarian President Viktor Orbán’s alleged ‘illiberalism,’ but U.S. conservatives see his domestic model, if not his foreign policy, as a welcome success story. Most recently American conservatives flocked to Budapest for a Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in May. Sadly, I was unable to attend but would have loved to have been there. At the next CPAC in Dallas, Texas this August, Orbán was given a standing ovation. So, what is it about Orbán that American conservatives like so much?  First let me say there are…

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ANALYSIS – Even as Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) publicly shuttered its stillborn ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ (aka Ministry of Truth) after a huge outcry, new evidence shows that Team Biden is still trying to use DHS to collude with Big Tech to censor Americans on social media. The latest information uncovered through an investigation by The Intercept points to a Facebook-designed portal that government officials could use to flag content they deem objectionable and request that the platform remove it. (RELATED: Facebook Experiences Massive Outage Day After Bombshell Report) According to The Intercept: There is also a formalized process for government officials…

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ANALYSIS – On the good news front, it is becoming increasingly clear that the vast majority of Americans strongly oppose the outrageous transgender agenda being imposed on our children by the left. Many rightfully liken the trans push on kids to child abuse. This provides stark confirmation that the Democrat-led trans insanity is causing a severe backlash and that states like Florida are right to be shutting it down in schools. So why aren’t conservatives fighting harder on this critical issue? A recent poll by Scott Rasmussen conducted for America’s New Majority Project noted: Americans have broad and intense opposition to elements…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. POLITICS Veterans are running for Congress — who to watch on election night. Of the 469 House and Senate races on the ballot this fall, 18 of them will feature two veterans squaring off against each other for a congressional seat. (RELATED: Bipartisan ‘Stolen…

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