Author: Paul Crespo

Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. Paul has also been a defense contractor with the Pentagon. He brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty — at home and from abroad.

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. NATIONAL SECURITY Biden’s National Security Strategy is undone by fantasy. It acknowledges the threat from China, then makes wholly unrealistic pledges of cooperation. Pelosi rejects GOP suggestion that US aid to Ukraine is a ‘blank check’. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pushed back against…

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ANALYSIS – As some in the U.S. and NATO countries expressed concern over learning that former RAF and other military pilots accepting lucrative contracts to train our arch-nemesis, Communist China, the U.K. may have been playing the Chicoms. As I wrote about earlier, at least 30 former Royal Air Force (RAF) fighter pilots, and perhaps Australians and other westerners, have been training the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) since 2019 in tactics and operations. These pilots had flown Tornadoes, Typhoons, Jaguars and Harrier jump jets, and their pay topped $280,000 per year. (RELATED: Ex-UK Fighter Pilots Training ‘Chicoms’ to…

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ANALYSIS – Following Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman Xi Jinping’s ‘coronation’ as leader-for-life at the recent CCP Congress, many experts believe China’s timeline for invading Taiwan has greatly accelerated. And that means a brutal war with China can start at any time. As I noted earlier, in 2021 “the head of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing that the threat of China’s targeting Taiwan was ‘manifest during this decade, in fact, in the next six years.’” This puts China’s invasion date sometime near 2027. However, speaking at Stanford University in California last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Xi…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. NATIONAL SECURITY WHY, DONALD, WHY? – Mar-a-Lago classified papers held US secrets about Iran and China. Documents on Iran’s missile program, U.S. intelligence work aimed at China were among the most sensitive material seized by the FBI, people familiar with the matter say. LIARS – White…

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ANALYSIS – As someone involved in national security for over 30 years, I’ve written a lot about the FBI – about its successes as well as its politicization and corrupt, partisan leadership. I’ve even argued that perhaps the entire FBI should be dissolved or broken up. But I’ve generally defended the rank-and-file field agents, some of whom I’ve known or worked with. I’ve noted that most are hardworking, honorable patriots. In a recent piece, I even noted that a ‘sizable percentage’ of FBI agents and employees were reportedly ‘sympathetic’ to the Capitol rioters and believed the FBI was conducting a witch hunt against them. …

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OPINION – The insane leftist overreaction to the reversal of Roe v. Wade continues with Joe Biden’s woke Pentagon now providing leave and taxpayer funding for female troops wanting to go out of state to murder their unborn children. Despite the ready availability of contraceptives throughout the United States, and the availability of abortions in almost all states up to 10 weeks, and with exceptions for rape, incest and danger to the life of the mother beyond that, Biden’s DoD thinks it is somehow necessary for the American taxpayer to pay for travel to get abortions. (RELATED: Mom of Special…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. NATIONAL SECURITY Marine Corps ‘strong,’ but rest of military has weakened, report finds. While branch rivalry appears to be alive and well among troops serving in today’s military, a new study from the Heritage Foundation may have just outlined a definitive service ranking. The big…

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ANALYSIS – As Iran deploys suicide drones and ballistic missiles in Russian-occupied Ukraine to support Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression in Europe, Israel is also under the gun to help Ukraine. As I recently wrote, Iran has sent large numbers of its latest drones to help Russia attack Ukraine, but it may also be sending its most advanced ballistic missiles as well. On Oct. 18, Reuters reported that “Iran has promised to provide Russia with surface-to-surface missiles, in addition to more drones…” This puts Iranian offensive weapons on the border of NATO, greatly expanding Iran’s military reach in Europe. I also noted that Iran may…

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ANALYSIS – With just three weeks to go until the U.S. midterm elections, a New York Times/Siena poll of likely voters finds the Republican party is gaining momentum nationally over the Democrats as concerns over the economy, inflation, illegal immigration and crime grow among voters. When the NYT sounds the alarm, even in an understated way, expect things to be far worse for the Democrats than reported. But when The Times ‘Chief Political Analyst’ resorts to breaking down the numbers in the most comical and petty way, to lessen the impact on Dems, expect a red wave. According to this…

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FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – American Liberty News (ALN) – in collaboration with Paul Crespo and the Center for American Defense Studies (CADS) – provides our readers the PDB: Not the President’s Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL’S DAILY BRIEFING. Get Your Best Daily Defense and Foreign Affairs Intelligence Here in One Brief. Read the summaries or dive deeper via the linked articles. SPECIAL REPORT – AUSTRALIA KEY TO FACE CHINA IN PACIFIC Is an ‘epoch-making’ agreement between Australia and Japan in the works? When Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida arrives in Australia on Friday for the first visit by a Japanese Prime Minister since 2018, he…

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