Author: Paula Fitzsimmons

In myย previous post, I told you about my meeting with a Wisconsin representative / senator-elect to draft legislation similar to Floridaโ€™sย Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act. I have updates to share on this! Comments are wide open. Let me know what youโ€™re thinking, or feel free to reach out at [email protected]. The components of the Florida bill Iโ€™m most focused on would require mandatory jail time for anyone who assaults a police officer during a violent or unlawful assembly. The bill would include multiple layers of mandatory sentencing, depending on the egregiousness of the attack. Though there are…

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Though Tuesday didnโ€™t bring the results that would have probably better advanced policing issues, thereโ€™s still hope. For now, hope is what we must hold on tightly to, because without it, we will most certainly fail. Letโ€™s discuss! Doย you feel hopeful about the future of policing and our country? Let me know in the comments section. Our Problems Arenโ€™t Political as Much as They Are Moral The current law enforcement crisis didnโ€™t materialize from a vacuum – itโ€™s but one symptom of a nation in moral decline. While policing is the key issue Iโ€™ve chosen to advocate for, itโ€™s far from the…

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Given that not even the pundits and people paid to prognosticate got it right on the midterms, Iโ€™m hesitant to add amateur analysis to the mix. That said, I do have some thoughts about what the elections mean for police and public safety and where we go from here. Iโ€™d love to hear your thoughts, even if you disagree with me. Our country is based on the embrace of thoughtful, passionate discourse – itโ€™s the way we move forward and succeed. Letโ€™s keep this civil though, please; thereโ€™s enough division and hatred in this country. Politics isnโ€™t the world. Some…

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A lot of us are on edge these days, deeply concerned about the trajectory of our nation. If you have kids, this feeling is likely amplified. You have a right to be concerned. Our country is most certainly not in a healthy place and the path weโ€™re on is unsustainable. As desperate as the situation is, I do believe thereโ€™s hope for us yet. Iโ€™ll explain why in a second, plus share some other thoughts on my mind. What areย youย thinking? I opened up discussion for this post because Iโ€™d love to know, even if we happen to disagree. I respect…

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Have you had enough? How much longer do you suppose our nation can continue down the path itโ€™s on? How can we survive (let alone thrive) withย understaffed police departmentsย whose cops are exhausted and demoralized? Or a system that freely allows predators to harm the innocent? How free are we, really, if we have to fear becoming a crime statistic; move from cities we love because crime has become unsustainable; or alter our plans to avoid getting attacked, stabbed, shot at, raped, or thrown onto subway tracks? And how many lives have to be destroyed? Do you really want to live…

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Seems we’ve forgotten 9/11… Do you remember what happened directly after the Twin Tower attacks 21 years ago? We stood as united Americans (most of us did, anyway) as a deep sense of patriotism poured from our veins. And we vowed to Never Forget. Itโ€™s a phrase that continues to surface this time of year, yet it seems to have lost its meaning. Weโ€™ve since added security safeguards at airports and other venues, and have law enforcement agencies effectively working to thwart future terror attacks. Yet is it enough? Threats to our nation now originate from a growing number of sources and…

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Part of an ongoing series on police leadership… Police chiefs influence everything from officer performance and morale to public perception of and confidence in the departments they lead. Based on feedback Iโ€™ve received over the past few years, weak police leadership is a widespread issue thatโ€™s having detrimental effects on policing and public safety. In business environments where office politics are a dominant factor, itโ€™s not uncommon to see mediocre (and even inept!) employees get promoted to managerial positions. If youโ€™ve worked in a soul-sucking place like this, you know how it can lead to feelings of resentment, mistrust, fakeness,…

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The war on cops has created thousands of casualties… If youโ€™ve been paying attention, you already know crime has surged in regions across the United States. Some cities, including New York City, Chicago and Milwaukee have especially been hit hard. Even upscale neighborhoods arenโ€™t immune. (RELATED: LA Gangs Have a New Hobby โ€“ Targeting Wealthy Neighborhoods) The situation, it turns out, may be worse than even crime statistics reveal. Or in this case, donโ€™t reveal. Itโ€™s Never Just About Statistics Statistics can be useful in identifying trends and patterns. Theyโ€™re one-dimensional, however, and never tell the full story. Making decisions solely based on numbers…

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