Author: Patrick Houck

Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

In a party-line decision, a Pennsylvania court ruled against a state law allowing any voter to cast a ballot by mail. The law, known as Act 77, passed the state legislature with bipartisan support in 2019. But on Friday, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania ruled that Act 77 violated the state’s constitution. Under the Pennsylvania Constitution, residents must vote in person unless they meet specific requirements. Despite bipartisan support for Act 77 at the time, some lawmakers in Harrisburg argued that the legislation would endanger electoral integrity by increasing the risk of voter fraud. (RELATED: Biden Casts Doubt on Midtermsโ€™…

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With a brutal primary expected and no clear favorite yet in Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District, some Republicans are rallying behind another candidate. That candidate happens to be one of the world’s most successful recording artists. His name is Robert James Ritchie, but you know him as Kid Rock. Members of Congress are trying to recruit Rock to run following GOP infighting between two MAGA-aligned candidates. (RELATED: Some of President Trumpโ€™s Biggest Supporters Arenโ€™t Happy With His Latest Endorsement) POLITICO first reported the news, saying that โ€œsome MAGA members of Congressโ€ are pushing Rock to run given that he calls Nashville…

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Telsa CEO Elon Musk is vaccinated against COVID-19. But he says that it’s a personal choice and to emphasize that, the world’s richest man tweeted his support for Canadian truckers who say that their livelihoods are threatened by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s COVID restrictions. Yesterday, Musk tweeted “Canadian truckers rule” to his nearly 72 million followers, before adding “CB radios are free from govt/media control.” Later in the day, Musk added “If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny.” While Trudeau has repeatedly blasted the truckers as a “fringe minority,”…

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More than a few of MAGA world’s brightest stars are openly disagreeing with former President Donald Trump’s latest endorsement. First some background. On Tuesday, Trump endorsed former State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus’ campaign in Tennessee’s redrawn 5th District. (RELATED: Pelosi Hit With Another Retirement) In fairness, Ortagus has plenty of supporters in the conservative movement and the Republican Party as a whole. Moreover, as a Navy veteran and former top aide to the secretary of state, she is a formidable candidate in any seat, but especially one with a strong conservative bent. Still, that doesn’t mean everyone…

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For those who don’t know, Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) is a member of the Squad and a supporter of the defund the police movement. She’s unapologetic in her views, telling CBS News last August that “Defunding the police has to happen. We need to defund the police and put that money into social safety nets, because weโ€™re trying to save lives.” Bush’s district, which includes St. Louis and a some of its closest suburbs, has one of the highest murder rates per capita in the United States. Last year, Bush paid $70,000 for private security at the Capitol. Now it’s…

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Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) has a new ally in her fight to end the federal prohibition of cannabis: tech giant Amazon. Mace, first elected to represent the Palmetto State’s First District in 2020, got the proverbial ball rolling when she introduced the States Reform Act last November. The Act seeks to remove marijuana as a Schedule I substance and leave cannabis reform up to the states without fear of federal reprisals. Under the current federal drug scheduling system, there’s no difference between marijuana and heroin, LSD or bath salts. While state laws are relatively liberal, thousands of Americans remain in…

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Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) has added his name to the House Democrats’ retirement list. Cooper’s announcement this afternoon makes him the 29th Democrat to confirm they’re not seeking reelection. (RELATED: Democratโ€™s Retirement Reveals Top Pickup Opportunity) The news comes after the Republican-dominated state legislature redrew his Nashville-based district. The GOP proposal splits Democratic-leaning Davidson County into thirds, transforming the entire region into a conservative stronghold. (RELATED: Kinzinger Announces Retirement While Hinting at Political Comeback) Republicans have a supermajority in both chambers of the Tennessee General Assembly. Observers expect their map to sail through the legislature. Cooper has served in…

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Neil Young has never shied away from sharing his political views. Long known for his liberal beliefs, Young has gone so far as to blast Barack Obama for, in his opinion, being too far to the right. Now, the aging rocker is threatening to cut ties with audio streaming giant Spotify if they don’t end their contract with Joe Rogan. As Rolling Stone reports: Neil Youngย posted a since-deleted letter to his management team and record labelย demanding that they remove his music fromย Spotify. โ€œI am doing this because Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines โ€“ potentially causing death to those…

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Russia hasn’t invaded Ukraine yet, but the Biden administration is acting as if war is on the way. Developments in the past 24 hours have ratcheted up anxiety levels among the United States and our allies. First, nonemergency diplomatic employees and their families received permission to evacuate the U.S. embassy in Kyiv. Next, the State Department issued a “do not travel” warning for all Americans. It’s unclear how many Americans are still in Afghanistan after Biden’s withdrawal. One thing is for certain, the White House doesn’t want hundreds of American citizens stranded. Then, a short time ago, the White House…

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As many as 35,000 Americans swarmed Washington, D.C. this weekend. Their aim? To raise awareness about the fight to end COVID-19 vaccine mandates nationwide. Last week, a federal court blocked the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal employees. One week before that, the Supreme Court shot down Biden’s vaccine mandate for companies with at least 100 employees. Despite the legislative victories, major cities like New York City, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles have implemented strict measures in the name of public safety. Those include showing proof of vacation to enter restaurants, gyms and other venues. For those protesting COVID…

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