Author: Patrick Houck

Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

John Sexton, over at Hot Air, came across this video after stumbling into an internet wormhole while researching the Rittenhouse trial. The two-and-a-half hour long video starts with Kenosha police pulling over Gaige Grosskreutz. If that name rings any bells, it’s probably because Grosskreutz was the sole survivor of the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings. (RELATED: Criminal Case Against Kyle Rittenhouse Implodes) A Controversial History A police body camera shows the officers’ interaction with Grosskreutz begins early in the morning of Oct. 6, 2020. A cruiser pulled Grosskreutz over after he failed to use his turn signal. Grosskreutz and a friend, who…

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Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wis.) are calling on the Justice Department to clarify inconsistent statements relating to Hunter Biden. Evidence suggests that DOJ used “extraordinary surveillance tools” to monitor at least one of Hunter Biden’s former business partners. Along with an open letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the senators shared a 2018 LLC Membership Interest Assignment signed by Gongwen Dong. That document is available to view here. They say it proves a direct business relationship between Hunter and Gongwenโ€”one of several of his alleged business links to China. A 2020 report by the Senate Homeland…

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The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) has declined to investigate claims that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents whipped migrants illegally attempting to enter the United States. Back in September, Vice News tweeted footage showing CBP agents on horseback confronting Haitian migrants near Del Rio, Texas. (RELATED: Time to Debunk the Narrative That Border Patrol Agents Whipped Migrants) To uninformed, casual observers, it appeared that law enforcement brutally attacked civilians. Yet none of the footage showed agents whipping anyone. Ranchers even explained to the local press that the agents had used split reins to…

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With polls hinting at a 70-seat crimson tsunami next year, Democrat Angie Craig is in the fight of her political life. The sophomore Member of Congress represents the quintessential swing seat. On paper, Minnesota’s 2nd District doesn’t favor either party. Donald Trump eked out a victory there over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Four years later, Joe Biden won the district by seven points. To win this time, Craig must distance herself from the political challenges looming over Democrats. That will be a tall order when she’s voted 100% of the time with Joe Biden’s stated position. SEE ALSO: Hereโ€™s Exactly…

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The indictment of Igor Danchenko revealed more deep ties between the Steele dossier and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. It also incriminates the Brookings Institution, a prominent Washington think tank, for giving legitimacy to the infamous dossier. Special counsel John Durham indicted Danchenko earlier this month. The Russian national supposedly lied to FBI agents about the information he collected for the Steele dossier. Danchenko and most notably, Michael Sussmann, have suspected ties to the Clinton campaign. According to Danchenko’s indictment, he lied about getting intel on Donald Trump from Russian-American business executive Charles Dolan. Dolan previously worked for Hillary Clinton.…

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Authorities are calling a taxi cab driver in Liverpool, England a hero today. The driver, David Perry, reportedly kept a terrorist from damaging Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Perry picked up the suspected terrorist about 10 minutes away from the hospital. The homemade device’s detonation sequence started prematurely in front of the patient drop-off. Realizing the danger, Perry ran from his vehicle while locking the doors. SEE ALSO: Extremist Group Kills Dozens of Civilians After Biden Admin Removes Its Terrorist Designation Prime Minister Boris Johnson wouldn’t comment on the case’s specific details. Still, he said “It does look as though the taxi…

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Three countries belonging to NATO and the European Union have a stark warning for the continent. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania’s defense ministers announced Thursday that a migrant crisis in Belarus poised a security risk along hundreds of miles of the European Union’s eastern border. A accompanying statement from Estonia’s top diplomat described the situation on the ground. As Voice of America reports: “They have been luring thousands of third-country nationals to Belarus, issuing them tourist visas, bringing them to the European Union-Belarus border and forcing them to illegally cross to neighboring countries,” Estonian Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets told a virtual…

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The wheels of justice in the Durham probe into the FBI investigation of “Crossfire Hurricane,” have turned slowly. But that doesn’t mean the accountable always escape justice. For years, the narrative that Russia conspired with Donald Trump to sway the 2016 presidential election dogged the former president. Although three investigationsโ€”including one by a Republican-led Senate committeeโ€”concluded that Russia meddled in election to Trump’s benefit, allegations of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials never amounted to a hill of beans. SEE ALSO: YouTube Defends Removing Videos From Putinโ€™s Leading Critic In contrast, there’s more controversy than ever around…

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Sponsored Somehow, this isn’t the worst news that the White House received this week. A new poll shows that a whopping two-thirds of voters oppose the administration’s proposal to pay reparations to illegal immigrants. On top of that, inflation has come back with a vengeance. Despite warnings from experts, the Biden administration forged ahead with trillions in new spending. Although Republicans long ago ceded the moral high ground on debts and deficits, there’s no doubt that President Biden has made our financial crisis much worse. SEE ALSO: Biden Admin Says Americans Should Learn To Live With Inflation, but Vows To…

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