Author: Patrick Houck

Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

A police lieutenant in Norfolk, Virginia finds himself unemployed today after The Guardian published personal information stolen by hackers from a christian crowdfunding website. The report contained details on the officer’s before now anonymous donation to Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense. SEE ALSO: Republicans Sound Alarm as Biden Vaccine Mandate Threatens Local Police, Fire and Medical Operations The $25 donation from Lt. William Kelly, a 19-year veteran on the force, included an encouraging message to then 17-year-old: “God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. Youโ€™ve done nothing wrong… Every rank and file police officer supports you. Donโ€™t…

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The once-a-decade redistricting process is notoriously high stakes. This year’s campaign to navigate electoral fault lines and redraw district boundaries appears destined to be even more so. In the first place, Democrats have the narrowest majority in the U.S. House since Samuel Randall was speaker. Randall died in 1890. With such a perilous grip on the reins of power, the simple act of redrawing congressional districts could be enough to wrest control of Congress from Democrats next year. Why You Should Care Redistricting rarely gets the coverage it deserves. For many voters, it seems far removed from the kitchen table…

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CNN legal analyst Areva Martin was unmoved by Kyle Rittenhouse’s testimony today in his homicide trial and ignored the prosecution’s worst day yet. Under obvious strain, Rittenhouse broke down on the stand. At multiple times, the heated atmosphere inside the courtroom ignited when Judge Bruce Schroeder reprimanded lead prosecutor Thomas Binger. SEE ALSO: Criminal Case Against Kyle Rittenhouse Implodes Schroeder went so far as to accuse Binger of risking a “grave constitutional violation” for commenting on the Rittenhouse’s right to pretrial silence. Speculation on the trial’s outcome from all but the most blind ideologues was overwhelmingly negative: WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE…

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Joe Biden’s economic malaise continues. Despite the president’s commitment to “reversing this trend” new reporting shows that it may be awhile before the economy gets back to normal. With consumer prices rising ahead of the holidays, Americans’ view of the economy seems destined to drop further. Americans for Tax Reform reports: The consumer price index increased by 6.2 percent on an annualized basis before seasonal adjustment in October, a 31 year high, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In October alone, inflation increased by 0.9 percent. SEE ALSO: Dem Poll Finds Only 18 Percent of Persuadable Voters Think Economy is…

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Former President Donald Trump recently made a major announcement in his campaign against Big Tech. We’ve known for some time that Trump has sought to launch his own social media platform. At the end of October, Trump unveiled his vision for a “non-woke” social network, Truth Social, and a streaming service called TMTG+. Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) and Digital World Acquisition Corp. entered into a definitive merger agreement on Oct. 20. The strategic alliance turned TMTG into a publicly traded company. Trump and his allies hope that will provide Truth Social and TMTG+ with enough cash to get…

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Virginia and New Jersey weren’t the only places Democrats underperformed last night. Progressive activists suffered a high-profile defeat attempting to scrap the Minneapolis Police Department. Meanwhile, local media has declared a Republican candidate the winner inย (checks notes)ย Seattle. Republican Ann Davison is poised to become the city’s top attorney. Washington State has held vote-by-mail elections for some years now. Although candidates have cut Election Day deficits by as much as 12 points as officials count ballots submitted as late as Election Day, Davison’s lead of 17 points appears insurmountable. Her most formidable opponent was police abolitionist Nicole Thomas-Kennedy. While simultaneously advocating…

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UPDATE: The Associated Press has called the New Jersey governor’s race in favor of Gov. Phil Murphy. Murphy, a Democrat, won re-election in a highly competitive race that dragged well past election night. However, Republican Jack Ciattarelliย hasn’t conceded. A campaign spokesperson called it irresponsible to do so until officials count all of the ballots. ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Reminder: This is a state that Joe Biden won by 16 points exactly 12 months ago. The projection comes from the Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman. The Cook Political Report is a non-partisan political analysis website. American Liberty News will continue to…

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Tomorrow won’t be the first time Winsome Sears attempts to make history. The conservative trailblazer pioneered a strategy two decades ago to win over minority voters that’s now paying dividends with Republicans. In 2001, Sears ran and won a race in a majority black district in the Virginia House of Delegates. Despite the unfavorable conditions, Sears triumphed over incumbent Democrat Billy Robinson by six-points! Overnight, she went from running a homeless shelter to become the first Virginia Republican representing a majority-minority seat since 1865. Never one to settle, in 2004 Sears ran against Congressman Bobby Scott (D) in Virginia’s 3rd…

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Tuesday marks a seminal Election Day in the Commonwealth of Virginia. After two years of holding the majority in the General Assembly and 12 years of dominating at the statewide level, Democrats may, mayย have met their match with Republicans Glenn Youngkin, Winsome Sears and Jason Miyares. Now, victory will come down to the number, effectiveness and turnout of the supporters on both sides. With that in mind, it’s important to understand whats at stake in the Old Dominion on Nov. 2. Here’s everything you need to know about the statewide Republican candidates and ballot measures millions will soon be voting…

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In contrast to Fox News’ latest survey, a new poll by The Washington Post-Schar School shows the Virginia governor’s race within the margin of error. However, Friday’s snapshot of the race becomes more interesting when one examines the numbers closely. (RELATED: Fox News Poll Has Youngkin +8) The poll shows Terry McAuliffe leading by one-point among likely voters (LV) and three-points among registered voters (RV). Both differences represent a statistical dead heat. They are also considerably closer than The Post-Schar School’s September poll. That survey showed McAuliffe with a three-point edge among LVs and a six-point advantage with RVs. It…

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