Author: Patrick Houck

Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

A federal judge shot down the New York Police Department’s (NYPD) largest union’s temporary restraining order against Mayor de Blasio’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate with no test-out option. The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York (NYC PBA) wanted to delay the mandate’s implementation. NYC PBA representatives argued that the policy doesn’t touch on religious or medical exemptions. They also said that the compliance deadline didn’t give unvaccinated officers enough time to request an exemption. In fact, the deadline to submit appeals passed yesterday. An Ultimatum for Police Officers? The NYC PBA emphasized their willingness to continue the “Vax…

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Desperate to land a knockout blow in a highly-competitive race with national implications, Virginia’s Democratic nominee for governor Terry McAuliffe is swinging wildly. Now, he claims that his Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin wants to purge Virginia schools of black authors. However, rather than putting the spotlight on Youngkin, the latest McAuliffe attack has led many observers to increasingly scrutinize his eleventh hour campaign strategy. To onlookers, it appears that the former and would-be governor is calling parents racists for wanting their children’s school to notify them if their child’s teacher plans to use “instructional material that includes sexually explicit…

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Since 2016, billionaire George Soros has funded a quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system with undeniably effective results. For decades, Soros made it his mission to defeat and undermine conservative causes. Now, he’s spending big to tip the scales in district attorney races across the country. By injecting millions of dollars into local elections, Soros has flipped the traditional campaign strategy for D.A. candidates on its head. Instead of talking tough on crime, left-wing lawyers are running on the promise of refusing to charge criminals for theft, resisting arrest and even dealing drugs. From Los Angeles to Philadelphia, and…

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Nine Republicans joined every Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress on Thursday. The floor vote came after the Jan. 6 select committee recommended that Congress vote to find Bannon in criminal contempt for defying its subpoena. SEE ALSO:ย Committee Shoots Down Bannonโ€™s Request to Postpone Criminal Referral Vote Bannon’s lawyer Robert Costello had tried and failed to argue that Bannon is “legally unable” to comply because of former President Trump’s claim of executive privilege. In any event, Costello claimed that Bannon couldn’t engage with the committee until Trump and President Biden’s divergent…

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A new lawsuit accuses Vice President Kamala Harris of a dangerous abuse of power. Lawyers for David Daleiden filed the suit on Wednesday. They say that Harris conspired with abortion providers to prosecute their client. The conspiracy allegedly originated from Daleiden’s recordings of Planned Parenthood officials reportedly discussing fetal tissue procurement. For its part, Planned Parenthood said the footage was deceptively edited. The organization’s then-President Cecile Richards said video analysis by research firm Fusion GPS proves thisโ€”a claim Daleiden adamantly denies. Kamala Harris Launches Criminal Investigation Upon learning of Daleiden’s undercover videos, then-Attorney General Harris obtained a search warrant and…

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The Pew Research Center has new data on Americans’ views on guns and gun violence. The numbers offer insight into the enduring legacy of the Second Amendment. They also reveal why the debate over the right to keep and bear arms isn’t going anywhere. SEE ALSO: Backdoor Gun Registry Included in Multi-Trillion Dollar Bill According to Pew, 30% of all Americans own a gun. A further 11% live in a household with someone who owns one. As you might expect, there’s a gender gap, a partisan divide and a chasm between people living in rural areas versus city dwellers. That…

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SponsoredAnswer the Call – Support Our Police! Chicago is on track to have more murders this year than since 1996. A quarter-century ago, the crack cocaine epidemic caused the U.S. murder rate to skyrocket. A generation later, fewer police officers, social justice priorities funded by liberal billionaires and the ongoing fallout from last year’s riots have created a perfect storm. The crime wave hasn’t spared the Windy City. In fact, things may get far worse before they get better. Amid Chicago’s rising violence, an estimated 3,200 police officers (one-third of the force) are defying the department’s vaccine mandate. Officers had…

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According to a new report by political journalist David Corn, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has had enough. Writing for the progressive magazine Mother Jones, Corn says that the West Virginia Democrat is privately admitting that he may leave the Democratic Party. Manchin will allegedly defect on the condition that Democrats don’t lower the cost of the Build Back Better reconciliation bill to $1.75 trillion. Indeed, Manchin has repeatedly shared his concerns about the bill’s $3.5 trillion price tag. He also will not support the legislation unless it includes the Hyde Amendment, which bars the use of federal funds to pay…

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UPDATE: The House committee investigating the U.S. Capitol attack voted unanimously on Tuesday night to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress. Vice chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) claimed Bannon’s refusal to cooperate suggests then-President Trump was “personally involved” in planning the riot. “We will get to the bottom of that,” she added. Bannon contended that he can’t participate in the investigation until Trump’s claims of executive privilege are legally resolved. The committee’s seven Democrats and two Republicans disagreed. ORIGINAL ARTICLE: The U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol has denied Steve Bannon’s…

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The Biden administration’s bank account reporting rule could be even worse than you realize. The requirement would force financial institutions to report their customers’ annual transactions above $600 to the IRS. Supporters argue that the proposal will allow the IRS to crack down on tax cheats. Moreover, they claim that raising revenue will pay for the trillions in new spending under the reconciliation bill. However, many Americans consider the idea an invasion of privacy. They fear new abuses of power if the administration expands the IRS’ funding and power. This becomes an increasingly salient point upon learning a recent U.S.…

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