Author: Patrick Houck

Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

UPDATE: Corey Lewandowski has been fired from the pro-Trump super PAC Make America Great Again Action after assault allegations became public on Wednesday. Through a spokesperson, Trump confirmed that Lewandowski “will no longer be associated with Trump World.” See the original story below: Corey Lewandowski stands accused of sexual misconduct yet again. The longtime Trump aide and 2016 presidential campaign manager stands accused of making “vile and disgusting” sexual advances to Trashelle Odom at a charity event in Las Vegas over the weekend. Trashelle is the wife of Idaho construction executive John Odom. Four people at the event have corroborated…

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The House Ways and Means Committee has voted to bail out the legacy media with your tax dollars. If the White House and its congressional allies get their way, they will. Somehow, Congress’ latest spending proposal threatens to worsen the right’s perception of the news media. Between other progressive goodies, a previously overlooked proposal would provide print and digital publishers with a tax credit of up to $50,000 for each journalist on their payroll. The “Payroll Credit for Compensation of Local News Journalists” would cap at 50% of said employees’ salaries in the first year. Afterward, it would drop to…

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With another day comes another excerpt from Bob Woodward and Robert Acosta’s book,ย Peril, that takes us inside the proverbial smoke-filled rooms of Washington, D.C. The latest revelation from Woodward and Acostaย is that Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) not only doesn’t fear Donald Trump’s wrath; he doesn’t believe embracing Trump is a viable path out of the political wilderness. Despite Trump’s hypnotic hold on the GOP base, the Republican Party’s loss of the House, presidency and Senate largely falls on the former president’s shoulders. Swing voters could overlook his uncouth behavior when running in 2016 against a lousy candidate who ran a…

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Everyone on the right end of the political spectrum in command of the facts has a solemn responsibility to call out the outrageous plot to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election what it was: incredibly frightening. A newly released memoย written byย John Eastman, a lawyer who previously worked for President Trump, lists a six-point plan to subvert our Republic. Eastman’s report begins by arguing then-Vice President Mike Pence should reject the election results in seven battleground states on the pretense they submitted competing electors. That is false. Republicans in those states (i.e., Trump loyalists who promotedย disproven voter fraud claims)…

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Hell hath no fury like a commander-in-chief scorned, or at least one who’s unwilling to let go of any slightsโ€”both real and imagined. According to The Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump openly encourages politicians to either primary or challenge Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell’s position as minority leader. The most important prerequisite? Unquestioning loyalty to the former president. Fortunately for McConnell, no Republicans, including the president’s strongest Senate allies and most compliant Senate candidates, have expressed interest in supporting his vendetta. However, a rift between the former president, who owns the Republican Party’s identity in the base’s mind, and its most…

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Guess which media outlet is incentivizing its employees to report their COVID-19 vaccination status? Fox Newsโ€”and good for them. The surprising development comes amid misinformation by network hosts Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham that have eroded confidence in those hesitant to get vaccinated. Business Insider’s Eliza Relman and Jake Lahut highlight the vast gulf between Fox News management and two of their biggest stars: Carlson, Fox’s top-rated host and the centerpiece of its growing streaming service, has compared vaccine passports to “Jim Crow” racial segregation laws and likened asking someone about their vaccination status to asking them whether they’ve been infected with HIV or what their favorite sex positions are.”Medical Jim…

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