Author: Patrick Houck

Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

One of the most prominent Republicans in the U.S. Senate is expected to resign. Although the timeframe is murky, Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) reportedly looks forward to leaving the Legislative Branch’s upper chamber after the midterms for the University of Florida. According to multiple reports Thursday afternoon, a University of Florida search committee unanimously recommended Sasse to be the university’s 13th president. Per Politico: Ben Sasse is likely to accept the presidency of the University of Florida and resign his Senate seat in the near future, according to two people familiar with the Nebraska Republican’s plans.The Nebraska governor would then appoint…

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Vice President Kamala Harris endured a minor inconvenience on her way to the White House when the SUV transporting her clipped a curb with enough force to blow a tire. Harris was transported to a secondary vehicle in the motorcade. Inexplicably, the accident was initially described as a “mechanical failure.” The Washington Post corrected the record, bringing considerable embarrassment to the vice president, who’s already experienced a staff exodus and her fair share of gaffes. Regarding the Secret Service, stopping a motorcade unexpectedly is a big no-no when it comes to mobile VIP protection. The Washington Post further reports:…

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How often does a good guy with a gun save lives by ending an attack? In the wake of today’s mass shooting at a daycare center in Thailand that killed 30 people, mostly children, it’s a question worth asking. And one that the FBI has dismissed by undercounting instances of bystanders stopping attackers before the police can arrive. (RELATED: How to Choose a Handgun: A Guide for New Gun Owners) That’s according to a new report from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC). Besides data showing that armed citizens stopped over 34.4% of active shootings between 2014-2021, CPRC argues the…

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The nonpartisan Cook Political Report has changed its race ratings in 10 closely-watched races in the U.S. House of Representatives. Seven out of the 10 rating changes benefit Democrats, although two of the three that moved toward Republicans are in Latino majority congressional districts in South Texas. The latest developments in the Lower Rio Grande Valley highlight the GOPs gains with Hispanic voters. Republicans also feel emboldened by numbers they’re seeing in heavily Democratic states and districts, like Oregon and Rhode Island’s 2nd Congressional District. The Cook Political Report’s David Wasserman notes it’s unusual to see so many race…

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Three separate ruptures rocked the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea last week. The sabotage of both pipelines took place just beyond Danish and Swedish territorial waters. According to initial reports, like one in the great British daily, The Times, a defense source believed Russia bombed the gas pipeline with an underwater drone. Critics of that theory, like New York Times bestselling author Jim Rickards took to Twitter to argue that Russia could have halted the flow of gas without damaging difficult-to-fix infrastructure. Now, an even more prominent voice is expressing skepticism about the widespread…

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Republican Herschel Walker had been leading Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock, albeit narrowly, in Georgia’s marquee U.S. Senate race. Now, a new allegation first reported by The Daily Beast — and further corroborated by Walker’s own son — has many Georgia Republicans fearful that Walker’s campaign has been mortally wounded. Last night, the left-wing online periodical, The Daily Beast first reported that Walker paid his girlfriend to have an abortion in 2009. Two hours after the story’s initial publication, Walker appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity.” Instead of receiving softballs, which Walker desperately wanted, host Sean Hannity had fairly pointed questions for…

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The latest Emerson College poll out of Pennsylvania shows Dr. Mehmet Oz trailing Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman by 2%, as the U.S. Senate race in the Keystone State appears to be headed down to the wire. After Oz’s earlier missteps, the focus shifted onto Fetterman, who for the past few months has been the frontrunner. However, scrutiny soon followed. First, Fetterman suffered a stroke, raising serious questions about his health. After that came more and more evidence revealing his more controversial beliefs. Beliefs that critics argue are wildly out of step with the millions of Pennsylvanians not living in…

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The United States Supreme Court has declined to intervene in the defamation case brought by Dominion Voting Systems against MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. The decision allows Dominion’s lawsuit against Lindell to proceed. The high court’s vote was not publicly disclosed. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson did not participate in the decision. Dominion is seeking $1.3 billion in damages from Lindell over the debunked election conspiracy theory that Dominion machines had been manipulated to flip votes to Biden. Lindell denies any wrondoing. CNBC further reports: The justices’ decision not to hear the case means a federal judge’s ruling in August 2021 that allowed the…

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A former United States congressman is heading to prison for the second time after pleading guilty to repeatedly stuffing ballots for Democratic candidates in Philadelphia. Former Rep. Michael “Ozzie” Myers (D-Pa.) received a two-and-a-half year prison sentence in exchange for his admission of guilt. Federal prosecutors first indicted Myers in 2020 for stuffing ballot boxes, bribing elections judges, falsifying records, voting more than once in an election and obstructing justice in elections in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. “Protecting the legitimacy of elections is critical to ensuring the public’s trust in the process,” FBI Philadelphia Division Special Agent in…

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is facing criticism on multiple fronts this weekend. Pelosi, for all of her controversies, is regarded as a shrewd power broker in Washington, D.C. Despite her tactical acumen, Democrat leadership was unable to pass a toothless bill to supposedly ban members of Congress and their spouses from trading stocks. This political failure was exacerbated by Pelosi’s gaffe on Friday when, in response to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ decision to send migrants to Massachusetts, the California Democrat said migrants were needed in Florida to “pick the crops.” For many, Pelosi’s remarks highlight ugly stereotypes that tacitly condone…

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