Author: Patrick Houck

Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

A new video released by the U.S. Army shows soldiers preparing for a first-of-its-kind drill — how to defend against a drone swarm. The footage offers an ominous glimpse into the future — and an sobering vision of what soldiers will soon face on the battlefield. WATCH: As Task & Purpose reports: The “MILES” gear Taylor is referencing is the system that simulates kills and casualties for personnel and equipment at National Training Center. The National Training Center is one of the Army’s principal training locations, offering more than 1,000 square miles where soldiers can prepare for deployments by training…

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Back in 2020, a young F-16 pilot perished when he attempted a last-second escape from a failed nighttime landing at Shaw Air Force Base. First Lt. David Schmitz, 32, was killed instantly when he hit the ground after his ejection seat catapulted him 130 feet in the air but never deployed its parachute. An official inquiry by the Air Force revealed the interior of Schmitz’s ejection seat to have extensive damage beyond its violent impact, resulting from poor workmanship. It appears technicians at the Air Force Research Laboratory believed components of the seat were counterfeit. But the Air Force kept…

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Twitter shareholders have given approval for Elon Musk’s $44 billion buyout of the social media giant. It couldn’t have come at a more awkward time. The vote comes as Musk is fighting Twitter in court to get out of the deal. It also comes on the heels of testimony from Twitter’s former head of security before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Peiter Zatko, a former Twitter security executive, was fired by the San Francisco-based company in January. Zatko confirmed when asked by Ranking Member Sen. Chuck Grassley that the FBI notified Twitter that one of their employees was suspected of being…

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As of this report, there are eight weeks, one day, nine hours and 55 minutes until Election Day. By all accounts, control of the Senate hangs on a knife’s edge with control slightly favoring one party or the other depending on who you ask. FiveThirtyEight’s latest statistical analysis says Democrats have the edge to retain control of Congress’s upper chamber. FiveThirtyEight ties the Democrats’ status as slight favorites to Republicans supposedly selecting weak candidates in battleground states. According to its Deluxe model’s most recent 40,000 election simulations, Democratic nominee John Fetterman has an 80% of defeating Republican Mehmet Oz. Yet,…

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While American sailors and airmen have felt relatively comfortable speaking about encounters with UFOs and “60 Minutes” reported on sightings involving objects without any visible means of propulsion flying in inexplicable ways, the Department of Defense compiled information on scores of encounters between the U.S. military, predominately involving the U.S. Navy, and what it calls unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The Director of National Intelligence released an unclassified report with the preliminary findings of the UAP Task Force last year. But the Navy says more evidence, including video footage, is out there. But the maritime force is refusing to release it…

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Sen. Chuck Grassley is famously known for his frank manner of speaking. It’s endeared him to the people of Iowa, whom he’s represented as a United States senator since 1981. Recently, Grassley weaponized that folksy characteristic with a level of effectiveness only the most senior Republican member of the Senate could muster. The target of Grassley’s wrath? U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. Garland issued an internal memorandum at the end of August that read more like an imperial edict. In it, Garland prohibited Justice Department (DOJ) employees from communicating with Congress members at a time when a growing number of…

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Seventy-nine years ago to the day, the Soviet Red Army found itself engaged in a strategic offensive to retake Eastern Ukraine from the forces of Nazi Germany. Despite being bloodied and battered, their spearheads pierced the front line of Field Marshal Erich von Manstein’s Army Group South. By the end of September 1943, the liberation of Kyiv was at last in sight for the Soviet high command. Today, Russian forces under another despot find themselves fighting and dying on the same soil their grandfathers and great-grandfathers did. Only the god of war has gone over to the other side. Within…

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The U.S. Marine Corps was quick to cast doubt on Lance Cpl. Hunter Clark. Now, they’re changing their tune — nearly one year after Clark said he was one of the soldiers filmed saving a baby at Hamid Karzai International Airport. The footage shows Clark helping take the baby from Afghanis terrified by the imminent Taliban takeover and making sure it cleared the concertina wire separating the frightened crowd from the last U.S. soldiers left in the war-torn country. One month later, Clark appeared onstage with former President Donald Trump where he told an adoring crowd “I am the…

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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) has had an eye-opening response to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to ship 300 migrants to the Windy City in recent weeks. Despite Chicago’s well-documented status as a sanctuary city, Lightfoot has shipped 100 of the migrants, who voluntarily agreed to go to Chicago, to the wealthy suburbs of Countryside and Burr Ridge. They’re currently staying at nearby motels to the dismay of local officials who say they weren’t properly notified, like Burr Ridge’s Republican Mayor Garry Grasso. Grasso previously said he supports securing the border and defunding sanctuary cities. Speaking to reporters, an exasperated…

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