Author: Patrick Houck

Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.

Former President Donald Trump is threatening Fox News with a lawsuit after it allowed the Lincoln Project to run its latest negative ad against him. Already involved in a half-dozen or so legal battles, Trump told Fox News that its decision to allow the well-financed anti-Trump group to buy advertising time in television markets that the former president lives at or frequents wouldn’t be tolerated. In the past, the Lincoln Project ruthlessly berated the 45th president in targeted ads designed to provoke a reaction. Its most recent ad (released today in the New York TV market, which covers Trump National…

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Prominent Donald Trump ally Steve Bannon, who was pardoned by the former president eight hours before he left office, has surrendered to the Manhattan district attorney’s office in New York. Bannon is expected to face charges later in the day. The indictment against Bannon, unsealed this morning, includes two felony counts of money laundering, two counts of conspiracy and another felony count of defrauding donors who gave money to his We Build the Wall nonprofit. (RELATED: Bannon Expected to Surrender to Law Enforcement Thursday) If found guilty, Bannon faces up to 15 years in prison. Per The New York Times:…

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Former President Trump’s onetime chief strategist and conservative provocateur Steve Bannon is expected to surrender himself to law enforcement in New York tomorrow. Reports broke late Tuesday that the Manhattan district attorney’s office indicted Bannon, 68. Though the indictment remains sealed, it was reported this morning that Bannon faces new fraud charges over his We Build the Wall charity. Then-President Trump pardoned Bannon after he was charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering in connection to the We Build the Wall campaign. In a matter of months, the campaign raised $25 million which partially went to…

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New Mexico Judge Francis J. Mathew has removed Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin, effective immediately, and barred him from running for public office ever again. Judge Mathew’s declared Griffin “constitutionally ineligible” to hold public office after the controversial Trump-supporting representative was sentenced to 14 days behind bars and one year of supervised release for participating in the U.S. Capitol riot. Griffin reportedly breached barricades to gain access to the Capitol Building. Mathew cited the 14th Amendment in his ruling, making Griffin the first office-holder in more than a century to be forbidden from holding office under the constitutional ban on…

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid made explosive comments on her program Monday night, attempting to link former President Donald Trump’s possession of classified documents to reports of an unusually high number of U.S. intelligence assets dying overseas. Reid did her best to connect the dots between a recent court filing revealing the contents seized from Mar-a-Lago, including dozens of empty folders with classified markings and reports of a “rash” of deaths among American spies. Reid guest and MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner took the host’s baseless claims and ran with them. Of course, Reid has gone on vitriolic rants against Republicans before:…

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The United States Armed Forces is falling dangerously short of its recruitment goals. One of the biggest problems for each branch is the smaller and smaller pool of eligible recruits. About 12% of eligible youth show interest in military service. Many don’t qualify because they are obese. Of those who do, Army drill instructors routinely find on the first day of basic training that most of their recruits can’t pass the initial physical fitness test (one minute of push-ups, one minute of sit-ups and a one-mile run). Emphasizing the severity of the crisis, Lt. Gen. Xavier Brunson was surprisingly frank…

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The first six months of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have resulted in an asymmetric stalemate, an outcome few predicted. Russia had spent 10 times more on its military than Ukraine and the weapons gap in artillery, tanks, armored vehicles and military aircraft meant Kyiv’s only hope was to hold out long enough for sufficient foreign military aid to arrive. This was accomplished, in part by the tenacious resistance of Ukrainians fighting for their homeland, the poor planning by the Russian Army and its weakness in logistics and the reality it lacked the manpower to occupy Kyiv, population three million, much…

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You might have a problem when CNN’s Brianna Keilar and a prominent Democratic Party official — and Iraq War vet — call out President Joe Biden for needlessly politicizing the military in last week’s primetime address denouncing the vast majority of Republicans. Presidents in both parties have used troops and military hardware as a backdrop for speeches, and yet, Biden’s address in front of Independence Hall crossed the Rubicon. Standing alongside the commander-in-chief were two U.S. Marines, adorned in their dress blues and bathed in an ominous red light. The White House argues that the Marines’ presence was intended as…

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Controversial Academy Award-winning actress Jane Fonda has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The 84-year-old film icon became a lightning rod for controversy when she traveled to Hanoi in 1972 to protest the Vietnam War and was photographed seated in a North Vietnamese aircraft gun used to down American planes. After the two-week visit, she dismissed allegations of torture against U.S. prisoners of war, saying those making the claims, from the Nixon administration on down, were “hypocrites and liars and pawns.” The trip earned her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.” In the decades since, Fonda has expressed some regret for her words…

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Thanks to the efforts of organizations like Accuracy in Media (AIM) and James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, the spotlight remains fixed on progressive teachers who deliver left-wing talking points to influence their young and impressionable students. Despite these savvy educators’ ability to subtly influence the youth of America, their hubris when they feel comfortable opening up ultimately becomes their downfall. Of course, the insidious influence of partisan politics in education isn’t limited to public schools. Across the country, elite private schools, which often cost as much as public colleges and universities, have embraced controversial political agendas intended to demean students who…

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