Author: Peter Roff

Peter Roff is a longtime political columnist currently affiliated with several Washington, D.C.-based public policy organizations. You can reach him by email at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @TheRoffDraft.

Washington, D.C. โ€“ You canโ€™t say that Joe Biden never met a man he didnโ€™t like, but he sure is a big fan of government regulation. Under his administration, the federal code gets longer and longer as he and his appointees propose one rule after another, adding to the federal code. We havenโ€™t quite reached the stage where we’re all playing โ€œMother, May I?โ€ with the feds, but weโ€™re uncomfortably close. The regs related to โ€œThe Waters of the United Statesโ€ have long been on the eco-radical wish list, and Biden seems intent on giving them what they want. Fortunately,…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ย After three disappointing elections in a row, members of the Republican National Committee are being asked to once again make Michiganโ€™s Ronna Romney McDaniel their chairman. If reelected, McDaniel could become the longest-serving party chief in GOP history. No one has ever served for eight years. If she goes the distance, it will be cause the 2024 Republican presidential nominee โ€“ who will be chosen in July in Milwaukee โ€“ opts not to replace her with a campaign ally or insider. Whether she should stay is a hotly debated issue among party insiders. The insurgent candidate against her,…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ In January of 1973, the United States Supreme Court leapfrogged the legislative process by handing down an opinion that made abortion on-demand legal throughout the United States. In the 50 years that have passed since Roe v. Wade was decided, the nation has been split by a cultural debate that even today shows no signs of subsiding. The decision sparked a political realignment that started with observant Catholic Democrats leaving the party of JFK to join with the Republicans, who, as they saw it at least, were slowly becoming the party of life. Divisions within the two…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ The latest economic news is not encouraging. The inflationary spike sparked by Joe Bidenโ€™s reckless spending programs may be coming down, but higher prices are still with us. For the president to claim otherwise, as he did Thursday, is sophistry. Claiming the decline in prices โ€œadds up to a real break for consumers, real breathing room for families, and more proof that my economic plan is workingโ€ is like a pyromaniac suggesting people should be grateful he put out the fires he started. The flames may be extinguished, but thereโ€™s still plenty of damage to deal with…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ Getting to be Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives was perhaps a trifle more difficult than California Republican Kevin McCarthy thought it would be. McCarthy had planned or at least expected, say those who purport to know, the voters to give the GOP such a large majority in the 2022 election that the concerns and complaints of those members of the Republican Conference who wished to change the way the chamber did business could be ignored. He got his majority, but, instead of what the prognosticators and pollsters predicted, it was by the skin of the…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ As expected, California Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy came up about 20 votes short Tuesday in each of the three ballots held to determine who the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives will be during the 108th Congress. The opposition to McCarthyโ€™s elevation to the chamberโ€™s top post is not a surprise. Members of the self-styled Freedom Caucus, a group of legislators who pride themselves on being among the most conservative in the body, have been saying for days they would block his election. Going into the vote, a handful of members had announced theyโ€™d be voting…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ The GOP is on a prolonged search for significance. If party leaders are smart, they wonโ€™t take too long. Thereโ€™s an election coming up in less than two years, and the Republicans need to win if they are to reverse the move toward green socialism President Joe Biden and his allies are pushing. Letโ€™s face it. Biden wonโ€™t be happy until he undoes everything Reagan did. He may not want to put the Berlin Wall back up, but heโ€™d no doubt be very happy if he could get the Dow back under 1,000, wipe out decades of…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ Another year is nearly gone, and we, most of us, cannot say that it is ending much better than it started. At home and abroad, uncertain reigns. We may not worry that each day might be our last, but we cannot be sure the good times are not all behind us. The unending stream of drivel percolating through social media into the national conversation drags us down. We focus on the worst of things, not the best. We dither and bicker, each of us consumed with the fear that others have evil designs on our prosperity, our…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., should be held responsible for the U.S. Capitol having been left unprepared for the assault on the building by protestors trying to stop the counting of the votes of presidential electors on Jan. 6, 2021, a report issued Wednesday says. A key finding of the inquiry conducted by Republican members of Congress who were originally chosen to serve on the 82-year-old Pelosiโ€™s select committee looking into the events of that day says the Speaker and other members of the Democratic leadership forced then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving to bow to…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ A man who reportedly masterminded a 1981 Brinks armored car robbery that left two Nanuet, N.Y., policemen and a security guard dead has been released from prison. Mutulu Shakur, 72, was released on Dec. 16 from incarceration in a federal facility on compassionate grounds by the U.S. Parole Commission, reportedly because he is suffering from a terminal illness. The onetime stepfather of slain rap mogul Tupac, the elder Shakur was part of a group that included members of the Black Liberation Army and other domestic terrorist organizations who killed Brinks guard Peter Paige and wounded guard Joseph Trombino…

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