Author: Peter Roff

Peter Roff is a longtime political columnist currently affiliated with several Washington, D.C.-based public policy organizations. You can reach him by email at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @TheRoffDraft.

Washington, D.C. โ€“ Chuck Schumer has a problem. And itโ€™s not the kind that can be brought under control through medication, therapy or membership in a twelve-step program. Schumer is a compulsive spender. He has to spend and use other peopleโ€™s money when he does it. In vast amounts. He doesnโ€™t care where it comes from or if it has to be borrowed. Heโ€™s got an agenda that keeps him busy buying votes to keep his party in power by using your money and mine. Itโ€™s disgraceful but all too few people see it that way. What is student loan…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ Nobody trusts the IRS, and with good reason. Itโ€™s too powerful. Itโ€™s unaccountable. And itโ€™s staffed by bureaucrats who seemingly take pleasure in making decent, hard-working Americans squirm. There are a lot of ways to fix that. The best of them would be to enact the flat tax proposed by Steve Forbes during his run for president. A tax return on a postcard, with everyone paying the same rate and having the same standard deduction. The next best thing would be to send a clear message to its overseers inside the U.S. Treasury that its corporate culture must…

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Washington, D.C.ย โ€“ On Thanksgiving Day, people from all walks of life, from the many different faiths and races and ethnicities who inhabit this wonderful place we call America will gather together and give thanks to the Lord Almighty for the blessing He has bestowed upon us over the last year. Usually, that means things like family, friends, health, prosperity, children, love, jobs and, in bad years, the ability to hope for the opportunity to make the next year better. In 2023, people will no doubt also be giving thanks that they still have some money left over after buying everything…

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What do we have to look forward to this week when we pause to give thanks for our blessings? The nation remains divided and prepares for two years of gridlock. Millions of ballots cast have made the red areas redder and the blue areas bluer. We are adrift, uncertain of our economic future and worried the country we know and love is headed for the ash heap of history. Hate is met with hate. The calls for us to come together are rejected by those who demand retribution for indignities suffered at the hands of others going back centuries in…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ Florida Sen. Rick Scott, outgoing chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee said Tuesday he would challenge Kentuckyโ€™s Mitch McConnell for the post of minority leader in Wednesdayโ€™s leadership elections. Itโ€™s important to note that, had Scott done a better job leading the NRSC, he and McConnell would be vying to see who had sufficient support among their collective GOP colleagues to be the new majority leader. Republicans have been beating themselves up for nearly a week over the partyโ€™s failure to produce โ€œa red waveโ€ in last weekโ€™s election sufficient to produce majorities in both congressional chambers and…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ The results of Tuesdayโ€™s election were, in a word, odd. Almost no one, except perhaps for those who were cheering the Democrats on to a big win, conceded in advance of the counting that such an outcome was possible. A book can, indeed probably will be written about all the things that went wrong for the GOP and what went right for the Democrats. In the simplest scenario, President Joe Bidenโ€™s constant appeals to his partyโ€™s base to come home and stop Republican โ€œextremistsโ€ from seizing power worked. Looking at the map, particularly where the U.S. House of…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ When the Dobbs decision was handed down earlier this year, it was widely condemned on the nationโ€™s editorial pages. Most of them trumpeted the line that taking the responsibility for policy out of the hands of judges and returning it to the legislative branch was undemocratic. Ironically, it was the systems Dobbs abolished that had been undemocratic.ย Roeย took the issue away from the people. A majority of the judges on the high court at the time decided to substitute their judgment on what is essentially a political matter for the people. That was a mistake that increased the…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ Does America have the cleanest el*ction system in the world, as we were told we should believe after the last presidential contest? Or is it riddled with abuse, leading to outcomes that cannot be said to truly reflect the will of the people? We may never know, especially after attorneys associated with former President Donald J. Trump made such a hash of things after the last el*ction. At first glance, some things do look odd. Maybe they can be explained to everyoneโ€™s satisfaction but, because those concerns were lumped in with allegations too outrageous to be believed,…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ย With the midterm elections just about two weeks away, voters say theyโ€™d much rather have the Republicans in charge of Congress over the next two years. According to data released Wednesday by Rasmussen Reports, 62% of those surveyed who are likely to cast a ballot in the election said it was important the GOP win control of at least one congressional chamber on November 8. Nearly half of all voters, 48 %, said that outcome was โ€œvery importantโ€ in determining how they would vote. The numbers come as no surprise given the way GOP candidates in every region…

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