Author: Peter Roff

Peter Roff is a longtime political columnist currently affiliated with several Washington, D.C.-based public policy organizations. You can reach him by email at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @TheRoffDraft.

For at least a decade, American progressives have been waging war on the nationโ€™s energy sector. Theyโ€™re all in on wind and solar and are using scare tactics, tax breaks and government preferences to push a Green Agenda that leaves zero room for oil, coal or natural gas. Thatโ€™s the real Biden policy, fulfilling a vow he made in September 2019: โ€œI guarantee you, we are going to end fossil fuel.โ€ And for the past 15 months, the president has done his best to keep that commitment. Such grandiose plans come at a price. Bidenโ€™s anti-fossil energy positions are causing…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ In the aftermath of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to a seat on the United States Supreme Court, there’s a lot still to be said about the way federal judicial nominations are handled. Most of it bad. Like Humpty Dumpty, the process is so badly broken that “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men” may never get it back together again. Each party blames the other for the breakdown. Republicans, heels dug in, say, “What about Bork?” Equally immovable Democrats respond, “What about Merrick Garland?” Rare these days is the senator who can vote to confirm…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ย President Joe Biden declared Thursday, March 31 to be a โ€œTransgender Day of Visibility.โ€ โ€œI want you to know that your President sees you,โ€ a proclamation released by the White House said. โ€œThe First Lady, the Vice President, the Second Gentleman, and my entire Administration see you for who you are — made in the image of God and deserving of dignity, respect, and support.โ€ Since winning the election in November 2020, the Biden administration has taken great pains to show support for those who claim membership in what is commonly referred to as the โ€œLGBTQ communityโ€ โ€”…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ Thereโ€™s an old joke almost everybody in politics has heard involving former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, the โ€œbig bossโ€ of Chicago at a time when that meant something. Daley ruled the city for many years with an iron hand. As he was dying, the story goes, he used his final breath to extract a promise from his closest associates that after he died, theyโ€™d have him buried on the cityโ€™s South Side โ€œso he could stay active in politics.โ€ People have talked about fraud in American politics for years. Movies have been made about it โ€“ some…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ย The Biden administration is under attack over its continuing support for animal experimentation worldwide. Outrageously, given the current global political climate, that support includes funding for experiments on cats being conducted in Russian laboratories. In a story first reported by The Washington Times, it was revealed that the U.S. National Institutes of Health โ€“ described on its website as the worldโ€™s largest biomedical research agency โ€“ is still underwriting medical experiments on cats at four facilities located in Russia despite global economic sanctions imposed following the unprovoked attack on Ukraine nearly a month ago. As is often the…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ As it is on the brink of retaking power in Congress, the conservative coalition needs to start asking tough questions about what it stands for and how it operates. It also needs to consider the easy ones, like what is and what is not acceptable and in which direction it wants to train its fire. The introspection is necessary because of people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who represents Georgia’s 14th Congressional District and is so undisciplined in the political sense that when she launches barbs at progressives, she inevitably hits a few nominal ideological allies standing in between…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ย President Joe Biden has a problem with numbers. He canโ€™t make them add up and itโ€™s not clear that he knows what they mean. Heโ€™s so devoted to his progressive narrative that he becomes confused when the data doesnโ€™t support the conclusions he and his economic team want to reach. This leads him to say all kinds of wacky things about taxes and prices and spending and inflation that are undermining the American publicโ€™s confidence in the U.S. economy. It is possible, as has been proved more than once over the last 25 years, to talk us into…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ย For Joe Biden, the February jobs report provides a reason to celebrate. It looks like America is finally getting back to work. COVID is over. The recovery has begun โ€“ if you donโ€™t look closely enough. The Biden Boom, which someone is sure to call it eventually, is full of holes. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, which the president talked up ad nauseam during the State of the Union Address, there were billions of dollars pumped into the economy without having anywhere productive to go. As a result, we got what the Republicans have taken to calling…

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Washington, D.C. โ€“ No one who has been paying attention can honestly say they were surprised the Russians invaded Ukraine. Oh, itโ€™s possible to have been shocked by the timing or because what is currently unfolding is on a larger scale than most people predicted but surprised? No. What it does suggest is that too many Washington policymakers have been using the Russia issue as a football in a partisan political game thatโ€™s gone well into overtime. Itโ€™s all well and good to argue about who is to blame โ€“ and President Joe Biden, who was also the Obama administrationโ€™s point…

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