Author: Rachel Alexander

Rachel Alexander is the founder and editor of the Intellectual Conservative. She is a regular contributor in numerous respected publications and frequently appears on TV and news radio. A recovering legal practitioner, Rachel previously served as a former Assistant Attorney General for the State of Arizona.

The first Republican primary debate for the U.S. Senate race in Arizona took place Thursday night in downtown Phoenix, organized by FreedomWorks. Three candidates polling in the lead participated; Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, solar billionaire businessman Jim Lamon, and Trump-endorsed, Thiel Foundation President Blake Masters. Two candidates who are lagging in the polls also debated; former Adjutant General of the Arizona National Guard Mick McGuire, and former Arizona legislator Justin Olson. The debate got quite heated at times, with the candidates calling each other out and the audience often wildly cheering or loudly booing โ€“ despite organizers requesting…

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Intellectual Conservative founder Rachel Alexander and Newsmax contributor Ralph Benko recently discussed wokeness and how it has turned on the champions of diversity and tolerance. WATCH: At the heart of their conversation is the news that a school suspended a professor for merely saying a word that sounded like the n-word, even though it clearly wasn’t and had no connection to it. So, what do you think? How big of a problem is wokeness and could it cost Democrats future elections? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below! This article originally appeared in Intellectual Conservative. The opinions expressed…

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For years, American corporations have given a wink-and-nod to Chinaโ€™s abhorrent human rights violations. They claim to support womenโ€™s rights by boycotting states in the U.S. that have pro-life laws, but say nothing about Chinaโ€™s one-child policy which forces Chinese women to have abortions (especially abortions of female babies). Even if they donโ€™t care about the aborted babies, what about their claims that itโ€™s a womanโ€™s right to choose? Hypocrites. These woke corporations claim to support workersโ€™ rights, some even strongly support unions โ€” unless the workers are in China. They always support claims that America is racist โ€” but…

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Former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, one of the first conservatives to beย canceledย back in 2010-2012 (along withย meย as collateral damage), has started aย docuseriesย profiling other Christian conservatives who the left targeted. โ€œFor many years, a quiet crisis affecting millions of Americans has grown and gone without remedy,โ€ he opens. โ€œIn the early 21st century, a militant secular Left captured Americaโ€™s centers of wealth and power. Because of prejudice and hostility from monied and powerful left-wing interest groups, those who publicly opposed the Left often lost their careers, businesses, livelihoods or reputations.โ€ In his first installment, the Harvard Law educated author showcases a…

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Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake unveiled a border security plan aimed at circumventing the federal government through the creation of an interstate compact. Titled โ€œDefend Arizona: We will do what Washington will not,โ€ her plan will bring states together to use Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution to โ€œdeclare their territories as under invasion and declare it their sovereign right to secure the borders of the United States.โ€ Lake told The Arizona Sun Times, โ€œThe people of Arizona and the people of this country are dying to have real solutions to bring sanity and the security back to the border.โ€ A…

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The left has mastered many clever tactics to defeat the right in recent years, not based on substantive arguments but rather on tricking people. One is straight out of Saul Alinskyโ€™s โ€œRules for Radicalsโ€ and the right is falling into the trap. Rule No. 5 states, โ€œRidicule is manโ€™s most potent weapon.โ€ It basically consists of using 4th grader insults to coerce people into a herd attack mentality. They mastered it with former President Donald Trump, โ€œorange man bad.โ€ It didnโ€™t used to be that way. Although โ€œRules for Radicalsโ€ came out in 1972, it didnโ€™t achieve the level of…

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