Author: Susan Ciancio

Susan Ciancio holds a bachelor's degree in psychology and sociology from the University of Notre Dame as well as a master's degree in liberal studies from Indiana University. She has an extensive background as a professional editor and writer. She serves as the executive editor for the Culture of Life Studies Program and holds the position of editor for American Life League's Celebrate Life Magazine.

As parents, we do our best to teach our teens right from wrong. We talk to them about religion and politics. We share the truths of the faith and the reasons why we believe as we do. But, at the end of the day, they are individuals who might choose to believe what society tells them rather than what we teach. It can feel incredibly distressing to see your teens stand for something that you abhor, like Planned Parenthood. And we know it can be difficult to have a conversation with them about it. Sometimes kids need to hear the…

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I have always enjoyed a good crime show, and one of my favorites over the years has been the Law & Order series. But like many shows these days, it seems that the writers have an agendaโ€”one where only some people matter. In the final episode of the season (yes, this is a spoiler, so beware!) for the Law & Order spinoff entitled Organized Crime, one of the main characters (a police detective) was shot through the neck. The bullet severed his spinal cord, and he was rendered a quadriplegic. Lying in the hospital room, he begged his partner to kill him by removing the…

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