Author: Samuel Griffin

I first became aware of Mantis-X training systems a couple of years ago during the COVID lockdown. Ammo was so scarce and expensive that I thought seriously about buying one, but my job at the time was off and on and I had to put it off for a while. Several months ago, I got the opportunity to review the Mantis X10 Elite and I jumped at it. The Mantis X10 Elite: Challenging, Sometimes Humbling, and Absolutely Worth It By William Lawson The Mantis X10 Elite Shooting Performance System. ( I thought Iโ€™d work with it for a couple of weeks, maybe…

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Though most people donโ€™t know it, the Illinois State Police (ISP) now make house calls.ย  However, they arenโ€™t coming to welcome new neighbors or bring good cheer. Instead, theyโ€™re coming to confiscate the firearms from those with revoked Firearms Owners ID cards. While few would argue the merits of grabbingย gunsย out of the hands of convicted violent felons, the ISP revokes FOID cards often without due process. This past week, the ISP put out a press release about โ€œcompliance checks,โ€ an almost Orwellian description of gun confiscation details. The Belleville News-Democratย shared the press release: Illinois State Police announced Wednesday that it has forced…

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There are upsides and downsides to renting your home instead of owning it. For one thing, when something breaks, you just call your landlord and theyโ€™re on the hook for getting it fixed. Often, they even take care of the landscaping so you donโ€™t have to. One downside is that it means you have a landlord who can just walk into your place anytime they want. Yeah, even if theyโ€™re not supposed to, you canโ€™t exactly keep them out. Usually, though, itโ€™s not an issue. In North Carolina, though, it became a huge problem. Andrew Culbreth, who identified himself to WRAL as Ned…

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One of the neat things about a (mostly) free market is the fact that with enough capital any product idea can get made. That is true in the gun world, for better or worse, all the time. Today we are going to look at some of the craziest Glock accessories ever brought to you by the free market.ย  The Glock series of pistols are the AR-15 of handguns. They are everywhere, extremely popular, and designed to be modular. The market has taken the simple, modular design and catapulted it into the stratosphere. You can build a Glock without a single…

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To get elected to statewide office in California, you pretty much have to support gun control. It doesnโ€™t necessarily need to be a driving force for you, but youโ€™ve got to back it to some degree. Thereโ€™s really no other way to appeal to the liberal masses in the stateโ€™s large cities. When we talk about those cities, San Diego isnโ€™t usually the first place we think of. After all, this is a state with Los Angeles and San Francisco. Yet San Diego has become very and vehemently anti-gun. Now, the California attorney general is urging other cities to follow San…

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If youโ€™ve been in the firearms world for long, youโ€™ve probably heard someone make a comment aboutย District of Columbia v. Heller. Maybe it was mentioned as a way to reference the right to carry or perhaps it was spoken of in relation to the more current case ofย New York Pistol & Rifle Association, Inc v. Bruen;ย however it was mentioned, it was likely used to justify their argument. Do you know whatย DC v Hellerย was and why itโ€™s so relevant to gun owners on a national scale? Weโ€™re here to explain the what, when, and why the Heller case matters to you…

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