Author: Shaun Kenney

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard. He previously served as the Executive Director for the Republican Party of Virginia. He is also currently a principal at K6 Consulting Group, a firm with more than 25 years of political campaign experience at all levels of government.

“Dort, wo man Bรผcher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen.”โ€œThus, where men burn books, in the end they will also burn men.โ€โ€” Heinrich Heine, Almansor: A Tragedy (1823) Since we are all clutching pearls at the idea of burning books quite suddenly, letโ€™s take a moment to remind ourselves when progressive Democrats are entirely complacent about the actual practice of book burning โ€” yes? For instance? When progressive rioters in August 2020 engaged in BLM and Antifaโ€™s favorite pastime โ€” only instead of burning out small businesses they insteadย burned Biblesย in Portland, Oregon โ€” the Democrats initially denied that it happenedโ€ฆ until…

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The whole election came down to 70,000 votes. For me, this is the fun part where I look at my own MS Excel charts โ€” yes, old habits die hard โ€” with my own special math and reflect on what I got right and what I missed. Despite counsel otherwise, Princess Blanding of the Liberation Party did not make a sizable impact. The generic ballot was probably even, right where Christopher Newport University put it (I had it at D+2). Youngkin winning the race by 5-8 points? Pure bunk and the people peddling it should be ashamed of themselves โ€”…

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For about a decade, Republicans were treated to excoriations about non-partisan and bipartisan redistricting by Democrats, telling us how fair and equitable they would be when drawn. Until they are drawn. Now the Democrats are mad as hell, as defined by all these red dots whereย Democrats complain (a lot) about democracy and fairnessย as un-democratic and unfair values all of the sudden. (RELATED: Jill Biden Campaigns in Must-Win Territory for Terry McAuliffe) The Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) hasย the partisan breakouts here, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why the Democrats are so opposed to these lines…

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