Author: Steven Symes

Steven has loved all things on wheels from an early age. He started off admiring Corvettes and Porsches, but his tastes have grown to include a variety of everything, from classic to modern vehicles.

Who, oh, who will save us? Living in the Phoenix metropolitan area, I see self-driving cars constantly. Sure, there are those crazy experimental ones they run around certain parts of the city with huge LiDAR domes and other incredibly expensive sensors jammed every which way. But I see other at least partially self-driving cars, in particular Teslas, far more often. Despite the tales about how these automated driving technologies are, the data shows theyโ€™re crashing far more than more probably suspect. Per a recent report issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over a 10-month period starting in July…

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Once again, drivers get screwed by politicians in DCโ€ฆ Back in 1998, sci-fi TV series The X-Files aired an episode called โ€œKill Switchโ€ about an AI gone rogue. Told when the internet was still accessed by most using dial-up modems, it was a fascinating tale of technology run amuck, a message about not handing too much of your life over to the digital world. While it might also seem like a sci-fi tale, soon enough the United States federal government could force automakers to install kill switches authorities can access and use to shut down any newer vehicle. To many,…

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These thieves mustโ€™ve been desperateโ€ฆ Weโ€™ve seen plenty of examples of car dealerships being hit by car thieves in the past few years, but from time to time we see a rental lot get targeted. In whatโ€™s one of the more dramatic examples, a Hertz location in Gates, New York had a dozen vehicles swiped by thieves sometime in the night of December 11. At first, Hertz thought 17 cars were stolen, however after cross-referencing inventory with other locations that number was changed to 12. Still, Gates Police Chief Robert Long said the heist was โ€œdefinitely something out of a…

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Learn from this guyโ€™s bad decisionโ€ฆ No matter how hot you think your car is, if a police officer directs you to pull over you need to do just that. Jim Best of Savage Garage got a firsthand lesson in why that is while he was participating in Savage Rally using his Maybach62. He was approaching the final stop at Carolina Motorsports Park when he passed a cop while going about 120 mph. Weโ€™ve all probably been there, going faster than the speed limit and then just blowing by a police car sitting on the side of the road, and…

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Does this count as inciting violence? Far-left Canada-based activist group Adbusters has cooked up a new plan to stick it to โ€œthe manโ€ and save the planet at the same time. The plan is for its network of loyal followers to go around deflating the tires on SUVs. That supposedly is going to cut down on CO2 emissions and thus save the planet. Iโ€™d say theyโ€™ve been huffing a little too much paint thinner. Adbusters took to Twitter to spread news of the plan, calling it a โ€œgentle escalationโ€ to make people aware just how much they need to panic…

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Sorry, we just got something in our eyeโ€ฆ For normies, a car is just a way to get from point A to point B. Thereโ€™s nothing wrong with that, per se, but what they fail to understand is when an enthusiast absolutely falls in love with their ride. The connection between man and machine is similar to the connection a rider feels with his beloved horse; thereโ€™s a spirituality as the two work together to achieve the euphoria of freedom. Thatย spiritual connectionย between an enthusiast and his long-lost car is what this Chevy commercial featuring a 1965 Impala SS is all…

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In a time of darkness, this is a reminder of how the Allies pressed on to brighter days. Almost six years ago Jeep released one of its most impactful commercials ever. Pretty much everyone knows Jeeps were instrumental in helping American forces during World War II but not many are aware of Old Faithful. The story of the Jeep awarded an honorable Purple Heart shows just how much US servicemen respected and relied on these vehicles. The commercial below was shot to commemorate Jeepโ€™s 75th anniversary. Quite frankly, itโ€™s probably one of the best if not the best car company…

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And itโ€™s becoming more common in North Americaโ€ฆ Here in North America some of the police departments in larger cities like Atlanta have been showing off the cutting-edge technology used in helicopters to catch street racers and street takeover participants. While such a crusade certainly can cut down on lawlessness, in Australia police are talking up an even more budget-friendly and scalable approach by using drones to target miscreants gathering to break the law by โ€œhooningโ€ as they say Down Under. Drone usage by law enforcement is fairly common in the US and Canada, but we donโ€™t hear much about…

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Think you can outrun this kitty? Running from the cops is dumb, but whatโ€™s even dumber is thinking you can gap this 1,080-horsepower Dodge Challenger Hellcat police car. Recently shown off by the Texas Department of Public Safety, the highway patrol car could conceivably keep up with most supercars if they wanted to run from the law. As you might have guessed, law enforcement didnโ€™t buy this modified Hellcat. Instead, it was a seizure made in Harris County after the owner tried running from the cops. We know thereโ€™s plenty of controversy about police seizures of private property, and we…

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