Author: Victoria Snitsar Churchill

Victoria Snitsar Churchill is a proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen with a decade of experience in grassroots politics and community organizing. Her writing has been featured in many online publications, including Campus Reform, The Daily Torch and The Daily Signal. As an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, Victoria appeared in media outlets such as CBS News, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, The Blaze and NRATV. Victoria is also a former NCAA D1 student-athlete and Kansas College Republicans State Chair. After moving eleven times in six years, Victoria resides in Arlington, Virginia and enjoys overpriced brunch on Sundays with her husband.

Legislation introduced in New Jersey Thursday seeks to make the Garden State the most anti-Second Amendment jurisdiction in the nation. Democrat lawmakers in Trenton introduced the proposal. If passed, it would require New Jersey residents to purchase liability insurance and complete safety training before obtaining a firearm. The sweeping gun control bill would also ban guns at 25 kinds of public venues, including bars, beaches and any private establishment that doesn’t explicitly welcome the presence of firearms. The National Rifle Association (NRA) issued the following statement on Twitter regarding the legislation Thursday afternoon: The New York Times reports that…

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I recently predicted that a severe escalation of Russiaโ€™s atrocities in Ukraine was coming. Sadly, this prediction came to fruition. The last few days of increased indiscriminate shelling make that clear. Here’s the stark reality: this situation was enabled and exacerbated by the current Administrationโ€™s weak leadership on the global stage. American voters will face this stark choice in November: will they vote for those who support and follow this Administration and its foreign policy failures? Those who never said a word about accountability for the botched exit from Afghanistan, those who want to get back into the Iran Deal…

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While speaking at an RNC-sponsored event in favor of VA-10 nominee Hung Cao last week,ย  Loudoun County, Virginia Sheriff Mike Chapman said that Democrat incumbent Rep. Jennifer Wexton hasn’t called him in three years. Sheriff Chapman revealed the following at last Thursday’s event: “I’ve been the Sheriff now for about 11 years. When I was first elected we had a good relationship – a very good relationship with Congressman Frank Wolf … Barbara Comstock came in and we did all kinds of things. We did forums on heroin abuse, opium use, and what we could do to stop this problem.…

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Veterans, reservists, active-duty military members and their families from across Virginia’s 10th Congressional District turned out in droves last week to support a fellow veteran โ€” and their Republican nominee โ€” Hung Cao at an event in Leesburg, Virginia. Cao was the keynote speaker at a Virginia Veterans’ Forum event put together by the Republican National Committee (RNC). Other speakers at the event included the following: Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Rich Anderson, a Retired Air Force ColonelLt. General (ret.) Bob Wood of American Veterans VoteJohn Vick, Director of Military, Veterans and Law Enforcement Engagement for the RNC Each speaker…

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Last weekend, I traveled to Dallas, Texas to attend the Second Amendment Foundation’s AmmCon and Gun Rights Policy Conference for the first time. I now hope to keep the events in my annual rotation of “must-attend” functions for the foreseeable future. The keynote speaker of AmmCon, the Alternative Mass Media Conventions 2022 Workshop, was none other than AWR Hawkins of Breitbart. In his speech, Hawkins detailed the long journey of failures and rejection that he went through until he landed his contract at Breitbart now over a decade ago. The speech was inspiring and you could see that his remarks…

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I’m a Pacific Northwest native โ€” raised in Western Washington less than an hour east of Seattle. I have fond memories of speeding down I-90 in a friend’s car over the high school lunch period to try and make it to Seattle for a burger and back before our afternoon classes. I remember attending my first three-day music festival (Bumbershoot) at the age of 14, spending the day from dawn till dusk roaming around alone in Seattle Center without parental supervision. For my 16th birthday, I convinced my father to splurge on three tickets to a Maroon 5 concert at…

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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled Wednesday in the case of Texas v. United States โ€” deciding that the Obama-era immigration policy on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, commonly known as DACA, is unlawful. The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), a conservative immigration group based in Washington, D.C. had filed a “friend-of-the-court brief before the appellate court urging that result.” Per a statement issued by IRLI Thursday afternoon: “In its brief on appeal, IRLI showed that DACA is unlawful in a number of respects; for example, it represents a systemic, programmatic failure to carry out the…

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New York State’s gun laws are once again facing legal challenges. In the wake of this summer’s Supreme Court decision in the National Rifle Association-backed NYSRPA v. Bruen case, the state was forced to revisit its conceal carry restrictions when SCOTUS ruled the then-existing “may issue” rules for concealed carry permits violated the constitutional rights of New Yorkers. New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) then called on legislators to return to Albany for a special session to pass new Second Amendment restrictions. The new New York laws went into effect last month on September 1st. In another major win for…

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President Joe Biden is once again saying one thing but doing another when it comes to the nation’s southern border. The president has quietly returned to a Trump administration-era policy of sending National Guard troops to the southern border, despite repeated assurances by key members of the Biden administration that our current leaders presently maintain “full operational control” of the region. The Center Square has more: Nearly two dozen states are sending National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to help federal immigration officials grapple with an unprecedented surge of undocumented migrants.The deployments, which were requested by the U.S. Department…

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A conservative candidate over-performing polls and surprising a nation? Sounds familiar โ€” doesn’t it? Brazil’s incumbent conservative President Jair Bolsonaro defied expectations in the country’s presidential election on Sunday and will now head for a runoff with his left-wing opponent, Luiz Inรกcio Lula da Silva, commonly referred to as Lula. This excerpt from a piece titled “Brazilians shocked as Bolsonaroโ€™s strong election showing defies expectations” ran yesterday in The Guardian could have been written six years ago about Donald Trump in America. Yet, today we read about another right-wing candidate on another continent: “Tears filled Beatriz Simรตesโ€™s eyes as she…

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